Pod #46 - Dr. Robin Miller; Take Control of Your Health and Happiness

guest podcast Nov 08, 2017

Sucky Moment of the Week (4/5) A patient repeatedly passed on his doctor’s advice, and last week he found out some really bad news. Inspired ActioThere is nothing you can do but try to support and encourage people; the decisions they make are their own.

Major Topic: Healed Dr. Robin Miller iwill discuss some of the secrets she’s learned for how to take control of your own health and happiness.s integrative medicine physician and co-authored the book Healed! Health & Wellness for the 21st Century: Wisdom, Secrets, and Fun Straight from the Leading Edge and 

 Try This: Take a ballroom dance class!

Dr. Robin Miller SHOUT out Dave Kahn is not only the co-author of the book, but a wonderful ballroom dance partner!

From the Episode:



Take these 5 simple steps and immediately feel more productive and less stressed. And yes, you really can do them all today!